Understanding Sound Healing 

Interviewed by Amy Cho

Rev. Laksmi Scalise

Sound healing is a complementary therapy to heal mind, body, spirit, but how does it work? I had the opportunity to interview Reverend Laksmi Scalise, a gong master, Reiki master teacher, dowser, astrologer, and advanced Integral Yoga teacher. 

What is sound healing?

Everything in the universe has a frequency and everything in the Universe vibrates. Everything is moving; nothing is resting. Some things are moving so fast they appear to be still. We may not hear or feel this vibration, but it doesn’t mean that on a subtle level it is not there.  

At the basic level, a mantra is a sound vibration. Repetitive positive input is our goal. Our internal mantra – how we speak to ourselves – impacts us. Having a positive mantra impacts us positively and a negative mantra will affect the body negatively. Controlling the mind (a basic Yogic principle) and eliminating low frequency negative self-talk will have a positive impact on our bodies.  

Feelings and emotions that produce anger wind us up and bring angst, and rob us of our innate harmony. These emotions settle in our joints and cells. Sound healing can reset our vibration, whether that is our internal mantra or an external sound such as with gongs, singing bowls, chanting (kirtan) or singing. In a gong bath or sound healing workshop, this reset happens passively, lying or sitting, the sound vibration enters as if the body were a giant ear, bathing each and every cell with love.  The important thing is the intention and the emotion of the Gong player providing the experience. This person can have excellent technique, but if the player is unbalanced or angry, that vibration will magnify and spread through the sound. Similarly, when the player is focused, centered, and calm, that vibration is intensified. 

How did you get interested in sound healing? 

Sound and music has a significant importance in my life, my living and working spaces were filled with chimes, bells and other musical sounds. As a young person, I played the accordion and studied music. Twelve years ago I met my teacher, Grand Gong Master Don Conreau who introduced me to the gong – I immediately fell in love! Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux began leading gong training and events at Integral Yoga, leading two trainings a year – I was intimately involved behind the scenes, helping to coordinate the training and ensuring all went smoothly. I participated in each session and absorbed the knowledge and teaching through that time. 

In yogic tradition, knowledge was passed down orally and the teacher would let you know when you were ready to teach. That was my evolution with sound healing. After many years of studying alongside Don Conreaux, he asked me to teach segments of the training. 

What makes your Reiki and Gong workshop unique? 

While I play the gongs, singing bowls, or other instruments, a Reiki practitioner is focused on giving Reiki. Reiki is a type of energy healing where with or without touch, emotional or physical healing can be provided. These workshops are held with participants seated in a circle and the healing energy between the Reiki and Gong vibrations feel magnified. The practices promote access to higher realms (present moment realms) filled with peace, harmony, and healing on all levels. We hold these events during a full moon – traditionally the full moon is an auspicious, high energy time where significant change can occur.

Reverend Laksmi Scalise, IYM, RYT 500, is an Integral Yoga Minister and teaches Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga. In 1977 she began studying under Swami Bua Maharaj, whose students she taught whenever he traveled. She studies with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux and is one of his senior teachers. She is also a Reiki master teacher, dowser, and astrologer. Using pendulums, crystals, and sound mantras, Laksmi performs shamanic chakra balancing and sound healing through the Integral Yoga Wellness Spa.

Ongoing classes at IYI: Hatha Yoga Level II class on Wednesdays at 9:15am; Multilevel 75 Min class on Fridays at 10:30am.  Rev. Laksmi Scalise is also available by appointment for Wellness Spa Treatments though the Integral Yoga Wellness Spa.

You can also find her at @laksmiscalise on Instagram. She holds workshops at Integral Yoga, the next Gong and Reiki workshop is on September 9, 2022; at Gaia NoMaya, the next Equinox Gong Bath is September 22, 2022; and privately every Saturday in her home.

Ongoing classes at IYI: Hatha Yoga Level II class on Wednesdays at 9:15am; Multilevel 75 Min class on Fridays at 10:30am.  Rev. Laksmi Scalise is also available by appointment for Wellness Spa Treatments though the Integral Yoga Wellness Spa. You can also find her at @laksmiscalise on Instagram. She holds workshops at Integral Yoga, the next Gong and Reiki workshop is on September 9, 2022; at Gaia NoMaya, the next Equinox Gong Bath is September 22, 2022; and privately every Saturday in her home. 


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