Rev. Laksmi Scalise, IYM, E-RYT 500IYM, E-RYT 500
Reverend Laksmi Scalise, IYM, E-RYT 500, is an Integral Yoga Minister and teaches Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga. In 1977 she began studying under Swami Bua Maharaj, whose students she taught whenever he traveled. She studies with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux and is one of his senior teachers. She is also a Reiki master teacher, dowser, and astrologer. Using pendulums, crystals, and sound mantras, Laksmi performs shamanic chakra balancing and sound healing through the Integral Yoga Wellness Spa.
Program Description
In Sanskrit, sat means truth and sangha means community. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together with IYI senior teacher, Rev. Laksmi Scalise, IYM, to share spiritual teachings. The philosophy of Integral Yoga is explored through a videotaped talk by IYI’s founder, Sri Swami Satchidananda, followed by an informal discussion.
Although spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring and creates a solid foundation for continued practice. People of all faiths are welcome.
This is an online program. You’ll receive an email from FitGrid 60 minutes before the program start time with the Zoom link.