John Benton
A long time Integral Yoga student, John Benton is a seasoned practitioner of meditation. His dedicated journey spans over 20 years, encompassing a diverse array of traditions, from yogic meditations to the intricacies of Tibetan Kagyu and Nyingma meditation and dharma lineages. Around 2012, he transitioned into a role as a meditation teacher at the Independence Projects, where he honed his expertise in mindfulness in motion, specializing in navigating the complexities of samsaric addictions and recovery. Delving deep into the subconscious, he adeptly works with dreaming images and offers lucid explanations of these phenomena. Moreover, he extends his teachings to encompass the delicate subject of death and the dying process, empowering others with insights and practices to navigate this profound transition with grace and understanding.
Program Description
Explore the ancient practices of Shamata meditation, Emptiness state of mind cultivation, and Calm Abiding techniques through posture and breathing techniques. Explore the subtle body through energy meridians and wind channels and discover how to harness the power of prana to cut through karmic winds, transforming negative energy and purifying impurities within. Immerse yourself in the practice of walking meditation, seamlessly integrating mindfulness into movement to cultivate awareness in motion.